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Educational Solutions

Prometeus.Earth helps educational institutions in the delivery of educational content that has meaningful societal impact.


It also helps both students and staff members reap the benefits of online learning.


Prometeus.Earth commits to fostering human capital in favor of a sustainable society.  


  • SDG-embedded learning content on the following topics: circular economy, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and transferable skills

  • MOOCs

  • Teacher Trainings


Request a free meeting for more info and pricing via


Coaching & Consultancy

Your organisation will need to get prepared for the upcoming tsunami of sustainability-related legislation.


Through its knowledge and experience, Prometeus.Earth helps organisations turn sustainability-related challenges into successful outcomes by applying the principles of the circular economy to their business strategy, roadmaps and innovation processes


Request a free online meeting for more info and pricing via

Keynotes & Workshops

Book us for an engaging and fun keynote to inspire your boardroom and staff members to think out of the box. 


 Or unite all the brain-power in your organisation during a fun and engaging circular economy workshop/teambuilding session.   


  • Keynote: "finding your organisation's Green Innovation Sweet Spot"  

  • Workshop:  "Turning the Circular Economy into a business success"

  • Workshop: "Embedding the UN SDGs in your educational institution"


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Research & Subsidies

Subsidies and project calls are abundantly available for innovation and R&D projects related to industrial symbiosis, decarbonisation and digitalisation.


Your organisation can also benefit from this, but you may lack the knowledge, resources or network to get started.


Prometeus.Earth can help you with this challenge. Through our knowledge and extensive network in both the private and the academic sector, we can help you get access to funding and find the right partners. 


Request a free meeting for more info and pricing via

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